My Coffee Break #024

Most of us are drawn to titles when we are starting our careers. Some care about it way too much, and some fail to reach it as per expectation. But sometimes, when we get too engrossed in achieving greater heights in life, we often lose a part of ourselves and become ENTITLED.

I was no different here either. Since I come from a very average background, without any established labels that would fast track my career growth, I fell victim to this pursuit early in my career.

When we feel ENTITLED,
We push people away
We look down on others
We need constant validation
We harm collaboration
We create conflict
We don't apologize
We become selfish

But, simply recognizing this won't prevent us from being entitled. Through my failures, I've learned that it's a constant work-in-progress to stay the course.

There's nothing wrong with aiming for some position or place of leadership, but it shouldn't be the sole purpose of why we start pursuing a career and growth in the first place.

Those who have achieved great heights would tell you that it's pretty lonely up there once you're at the peak, especially if you have burned most relationships on your way with your sense of entitlement.

Did you feel the same at some point in life?

#mycoffeebreak 024
#career #motivation #mindset