My Coffee Break #022

I want to graduate top of my class.
I want to get the best jobs.
I want to make a lot of money.
I want to get promoted fast at work.
I want to be the center of attention.
I want to be very successful.

These are often the mantra for people who are very ambitious in life.

But in my opinion, the true measure of successful people is not based on the numbers they deliver or ranks they hold. It is how many lives they have touched and transformed while climbing up their ladder that makes a successful person.

We are often so driven in our life's selfish pursuits that we forget the importance and the power of RECIPROCITY.

The truth is, we can never be successful in life without the support, mentorship, and often a direct intervention of someone on our way. Yet when it comes to returning the same favor to someone in need, we act like an ass****.

Reciprocity starts when you add 'help someone' in all the statements at the beginning of this post.
Reciprocity creates magic when you become a GIVER.

When was the last time you publicly thanked someone for your career success that you couldn't do without?

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#mycoffeebreak 022
#work #powerofgiving Adam Grant