My Coffee Break #016

As an ambitious lad in my 20s, I was laser-focused on learning new things and growing fast in my career. But, that same focus and speed became my Achilles' heel. While I was unlocking new doors for myself, I kept shutting the windows around me, which were rather significant.

While running like a racing horse, I forgot to slow down and pay attention to feedback around me.

Feedback is one of the most critical parts of our personal development and growth. World's best athletes have coaches. And their #1 job is to give constant feedback on their performance. Be brutally honest and critical during their practice. It's that feedback that goes unnoticed behind the countless hours of training, makes an award-winning champion out of them.

It's the same for our career and in our life.

When people don’t give you feedback or challenge you even when you think you’re at your best, it means they have given up on you. It means something is wrong, and you're in trouble.

Blocking our colleagues, close peers, friends, and partners in life from receiving feedback is a major loss. It's a recipe for disaster often.

Fix it before it's too late.

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