My Coffee Break #015

I was lucky for being the fool I was during my 20s. (Now, just a tad less than before!)

Despite my limited knowledge of the world, I understood the value of gathering experiences in life early on. So, without evaluating much, I would say YES to almost everything.

I said YES, (with no prior experience or certainty) when I was asked to
Work as IELTS English teacher as a college fresher
Join the university A-team for a global debate tournament
Represent Bangladesh Govt. abroad
Train the next generation future leaders
Join a tech startup with no guarantee of success
To organize the largest flagship TEDx in Bangladesh
Leave my secured corporate job (to build the largest Ad Tech startup in the country)
Be the digital architect of the #1 brand (largest telecom) in the country
To leave my comfort zone and move to a new country

I can talk for hours about the choices I made by simply saying YES to myself.

The results and learning that followed were always exponential, even though I WAS NOT READY.

So, SAY YES when you’re not ready. You'll be surprised to see what gets unlocked on the other side.

[#mycoffeebreak 015]
#career #inspiration