My Coffee Break #002

I have taught and trained over 10,000 students if not more for over 15 years now. One of the most common worries expressed by the students still today is, “As a fresher, I don’t have enough experience.”

.. How will I then get hired after graduation for a decent job?

The problem with this worry is not understanding the true meaning of experience. If I asked you today, how many ways have you failed while trying to do something in life (i.e. as a student), you will probably go on for hours talking about them. Yet, you’ll hide it from the world, thinking that’s your limitation.

Experience = Failure(s) + Attitude (Potential) + Knowledge

All of these are achievable in life when you don’t believe in yourself that you can.

I always strongly believed, “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted”. Therefore, when you’re entering the interview room or even writing your cover letter for a job application, indulge in your experiences in life through the new definition I provided above.

Remember, we are made by the sum of all experiences we gather in life.

[#mycoffeebreak 002]
#experience #failures #attitude #knowledge